Programm CWD & DSEC 2025
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Day 1 - 2025-03-11
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Day 1 - 2025-03-11
Day 2 - 2025-03-12
All times are local to Germany (CEST, UTC+02:00).
Europa Saal
K 1
K 2
K 3
K 4/5
K 7/8/9
Prof. Georg Jacobs
RWTH Aachen MSE - Institut für Maschinenelemente und Systementwicklung
Aachen, DE
Systems Engineering
Virtual Product Development - Change in the Industry and expected Benefits
Olivier Sappin
Vélizy Villacoublay, FR
Virtual Product Development - Implementation
Prof. Georg Jacobs
RWTH Aachen MSE - Institut für Maschinenelemente und Systementwicklung
Aachen, DE
Connected Engineering Through Platform Simulation
Nicolas Brossardt
BMW Group
München, DE
How Modularisation and Systems Engineering link to Sustainability
Andreas Weber
Vestas Nacelles Deutschland GmbH
Dortmund, DE
Sustainability of wind energy
Dr. Martin Knops
ZF Wind Power Antwerpen NV
Lommel, BE
Project SteelBlade – Challenges and Potential of Alternative Steel Wind Turbine Blade Designs
Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Buchkremer
Mubea | Muhr und Bender KG
Attendorn, DE
Polymer Plain Bearings
Screening Process for PAEK Polymers in Wind Turbine Main Shaft Journal Bearings Material Challenges and Advantages
Steffen Germer
Victrex Technology Centre
Hillhouse International
Thornton-Cleveleys, GB
Overview of Integrating Steel Backed Polymer Hydrodynamic Bearings in Wind Turbine Main Bearings
Tim Allen
Daido Metal
Inuyama, Aichi, JP
Coffee break
Planetary Plain Bearing I
Chair: Martin Knops
Gearbox I
Chair: Andreas Klein
Power Electronics and Stray Current
Chair: Chong Ng
Roller Bearing (Academic Track)
Chair: Benjamin Lehmann
Drivetrain Technology: Performance and Efficiency
Chair: Stefan Wischmann
Systems Engineering: Seamless Model-Based Product Development
Chair: Gregor Höpfner
Next Generation Plain Bearing Technology for Wind Turbine Gearboxes
Dr.-Ing. Hermann van Lier
ZF Wind Power Antwerpen NV
Lommel, BE
Probabilistic modelling of the tooth root strength of wind gears
Dr. Jonas Finken
Flender GmbH
Wind Gears Development
Voerde, DE
Comparative, Experimental Analysis of Parasitic Currents in DFIG and SCIG based Wind Turbine Drives
Amandus Bach
Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems, RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, DE
Experimental Study of Roller Bearing Raceway Indentation on Bearing Life
Xinrun Liu
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Wind Energy
Denmark, DK
Optimization of power-split hybrid drives and of their operating strategy using dynamic programming
Hendrik Hoffmann
Research and Development
Aachen, DE
Automated Generation of Drivetrain Components with Model-based Systems Engineering, Variant Modeling and FVA Workbench
Dr. Ingo Schulz
SKF Marine - Ocean Energy
Schweinfurt, DE
Simulation and application of hydrodynamic planet bearings for wind turbine gearboxes
Dr.-Ing. Michael Plogmann
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
Herzogenaurach, DE
Mario Kittsteiner
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
Herzogenaurach, DE
Design of a TFF Critical Testing Gear Set under Reverse Bending
M.Sc. Johannes Rolzhäuser
Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University
Gear Department
Aachen, DE
Evaluation of DC Wind Turbine Concepts for coupling Wind Energy with Electrolysis
Florian Andresen
RWTH Aachen University
Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems
Aachen, DE
Numerical simulation of ring creep on a wind turbine main shaft
Peter Grosse
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
System Validation Mechanical Drive Train
Bremerhaven, DE
Cost Reduction of Four-Point Bending Tests by using an innovative electrohydraulic Drive Concept
Dr. Timo Jungblut
Test Systems
Ottobrunn, DE
Enabling broader access to MBSE system models using collaborative engineering platforms and SysMLv2
Matthias May
RWTH Aachen University Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering (MSE)
Design Methodology
Aachen, DE
Analysing and Predicting the Behaviour of Journal Bearings on the Gearbox Operational Behaviour
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Piel
Vestas Nacelles Deutschland GmbH
Powertrain Module
Dortmund, DE
Tooth Flank Fracture in a Wind Turbine Gearbox – A Failure Analysis
M. Sc. Sascha Rommel
Forschungstelle für Zahnräder und Getriebesysteme (TUM)
Gear Research Center (FZG)
Garching, DE
Experimental quantification of parasitic currents in the HSS bearings of a wind turbine gearbox
Maximilian Zweiffel
RWTH Aachen University
Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD)
Aachen, DE
Fretting wear test of three-row roller bearings based on equivalent model
Chenhao Guan
Tsinghua University
Beijing, CN
Design of profile corrections and tolerances in cylindrical gears for noise-sensitive applications in line with production efforts
M.Sc. Laurenz Roth
Laboratory of Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH University
Chair of Machine Tools, Gear Department
Aachen, DE
ASPICE Compliant Model-based Systems Engineering with 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
Olivier Sappin
Vélizy Villacoublay, FR
Lunch break
Planetary Plain Bearing II
Chair: Arno Klein-Hitpass
Gearbox II
Chair: Andreas Weber
Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence
Chair: Christian Kunze
Powertrain (Academic Track)
Chair: Andreas Klein
Drivetrain Technology: NVH
Chair: Marco Ramm
Systems Engineering: MBSE in Practical Application
Chair: Joerg Berroth
Measurement of operational characteristics inside a planetary plain bearing under wind turbine operating conditions
Dipl.-Ing. Dennis Witter
Aachen, DE
Elastic Interaction in Planetary Stages with Increased Torque Density
Dr. Sebastian Reisch
Flender GmbH - Winergy
Voerde, DE
Wind Turbine Gearbox Digitalization Trends and Case Studies to Lower the Cost of Energy
Douglas Guthrie
Portland, US
Advancements in Powertrain Test Design and Implementation
Jonathan Hughes
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
Validation / Technology Development
Blyth, GB
An efficient simulation chain for predicting the vibro-acoustic behavior of industrial gear units.
Dr.-Ing. Prateek Chavan
Bruchsal, DE
Realizing Multidisciplinary Verification: Synchronizing System Architecture and Electrical Simulation Domains
M.Sc. Morten Huber
Dassault Systemes Deutschland GmbH
CATIA Systems
Darmstadt, DE
Failure mechanisms of bronze-based plain bearings implemented in gearbox under presence of foreign particles
Akash Deo
Rheinmetall | Division Power Systems | BU Bearings
Sankt Leon-Rot, DE
Dynamic embedding process of friction enhancing hard particles in frictional connections
Jonathan Schanner
Chemnitz University of Technology
Institute for Design Engineering and Drive Technology
Chemnitz, DE
DIGIT-BENCH Digital Twin: Advancing the Large-Scale Testing Facilities for the Wind Industry
Dr. Elif Ecem Bas
R&D Test Systems
Electrical and Digital testing
Hinnerup, DK
HyDrive: Continuously Variable Hydraulic Power-Split Drivetrain for Wind Turbines
Pascal Seifermann
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
Hamburg, DE
Alexander Dam
HAW Hamburg
Hamburg, DE
Topology Optimization of Nonlinear Elastomer Engine Mounts Considering the Transfer Behavior
Sebastian Bahr
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, DE
Lightweight User Interface for Model-Based Systems Engineering of Product Architecture
PhD Asanka Maithripala
Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Interface Management
Arhus N, DK
Detection of particle contamination and lubrication outage in journal bearings in wind turbine gearboxes using surface acoustic wave measurements and machine learning
Thomas Decker
RWTH Aachen University
Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD)
Aachen, DE
High Detail System Level CFD-Lubrication Analysis of Wind Turbine Gearboxes
M.Sc. Martin Cardaun
NGC Transmission Europe GmbH
Duisburg, DE
New AI approaches enabling Advanced Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Gearboxes
Dr. Florin Tatar
Lommel, BE
Characterizing Wind Turbine Drivetrain Nonlinearities for Hybrid Nacelle Tests
Muhammad Omer Siddiqui
Faunhofer IWES, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems
Bremerhaven, DE
Validation of Models for Calculating the NVH Behavior of Gearbox Systems in an Elastic Multibody Simulation
Stefan Wischmann
RWTH Aachen University
Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering
Aachen, DE
Alexander Mann
Werkzeugmaschinenlabor WZL der RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, DE
Demonstrator Model for an Entity-Based System Modeling Approach
Dr. Björn Juretzki
IME Aachen GmbH
Herzogenrath, DE
Effect of adding hard particles to welded sliding material in plain bearings for planetary gears
Ryo Asaba
Research & Development Department
Aichi, JP
Multiobjective mechanical wind turbine gearbox design optimization to reduce component damage risk during grid faults
Pascal Bußkamp
RWTH Aachen University
Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD)
Aachen, DE
Framework for AI-Driven Image Analysis Systems for Gearbox endoscopy inspections
Dr. Lars Osterbrink
Adoxin UG
Hamburg, DE
Quantification of the risk of smearing for tapered roller bearings in wind turbine gearboxes during grid faults
M. Sc. Emircan Yazici
RWTH Aachen University
Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD)
Aachen, DE
Efficient Simulation of Rotordynamics and Acoustics of an Electric Drive Train with Electromagnetic Coupling
Dr. Alexander Boucke
Software Development
Aachen, DE
Cube - A SaaS collaboration platform for the development of technical systems
Dr.-Ing. Heiko Baum
Aachen, DE
Coffee break
Main Bearing I: Plain Bearing
Chair: Joachim Nitzpon
Noise, Vibration & Harshness
Chair: Christian Westphal
Floating Turbine
Chair: Nicholas Kaufmann
Planetary Plain Bearing (Academic Track)
Chair: Frank Krull
Machine Elements: Design & Tribology
Chair: Lutz Lindemann
Systems Engineering: System Models and Model Libraries
Chair: Mike Nicolai
Miba’s Segmented Journal Bearing (SJB™) - an innovative solution for wind turbine main bearings
Dr. Johannes Hölzl
Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH
Systems Engineering Wind Applications
Laakirchen, AT
M.Sc. Patrick Laubichler
Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH
Laakirchen, AT
Synergies of Parametric Optimization and Topology Optimization for Tonality Free Wind Turbines
Philip Becht
ZF Wind Power Antwerpen NV
Lommel, BE
Main bearing response in a waked 15-MW floating wind turbine in below-rated conditions
Veronica Liverud Krathe
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Department of Marine Technology
Trondheim, NO
Unique concept of a planetary plain bearing test bench
Fabian Renger
RENK Test System GmbH
Augsburg, DE
Influence of Lubricant Particle Contamination on Premature Failure of Electrical Loaded Radial Cylindrical Roller Bearings in Wind Turbines
M.Sc. Peter Rößler
Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering RWTH Aachen University
Bearing Technology
Aachen, DE
M.Sc. Jörn Christian Harling
Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering RWTH Aachen University
Bearing Technology
52062, DE
Practical approach of system engineering to meet the challenges of agricultural machinery
Dr. Marco Ramm
CLAAS Industrietechnik GmbH
Paderborn, DE
Fluid-Film-Main-Bearings: An Alternative to Roller Bearings
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Haverkamp
Waukesha Bearrings
Grossostheim, DE
Deep learning approach to efficiently solve wind turbine acoustic tonalities
Dr.-Ing. Philipp Zech
Wölfel Engineering GmbH + Co. KG
Höchberg, DE
A Comparative Fully-Coupled Analysis of Dynamic Behaviours for a 15-MW Wind Turbine on a Bottom-Fixed Monopile and a Semi-Submersible Floating Foundation
M. Sc. Jinqiu Pan
RWTH Aachen University
Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD)
Aachen, DE
Efficient dynamic simulations of planetary journal bearings in wind turbine gearboxes
Mattheus Lucassen
RWTH Aachen University
Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering (MSE)
Aachen, DE
Machine learning-based prediction of friction losses in textured journal bearings
M.Eng. Yujun Wang
Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering, RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, DE
Seamless Model-Based Concept Exploration, Simulation, Design Optimization and Evaluation of Hydrogen-Electric Drivetrains using a Model Library
Lukas Irnich
MSE of RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, DE
Investigation into the design of a novel conical plain bearing concept with enhanced serviceability
M.Sc. Jan Euler
RWTH Aachen University
Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD)
Aachen, DE
Machine Learning methods for the design of excitation-optimized gears in Wind-Energy gearboxes
Frederik Stachowske
Eickhoff Bergbautechnik GmbH
Application Engineering
Bochum, DE
Optimisation and validation of pin profiling for sliding planet gear bearings
Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Prölß
COB Bearings Europe Holding GmbH
Desselbrunn, AT
Geometric Design of Axial Piston Machine Slipper-Bearings made of High-Performance Plastics
M.Sc. Felix Schlegel
Institut für fluidtechnische Antriebe und Systeme der RWTH Aachen
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Aachen, DE
Reusable Solution Element Libraries for Accelerated Application of MBSE in Mechanical Product Development
Frederik Moers
RWTH Aachen
Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering
Aachen, DE
End of conference day 1
Shuttle Transfer to Conference Dinner
- 23:30
Evening event
Day 1 - 2025-03-11
Select day to view
Day 1 - 2025-03-11
Day 2 - 2025-03-12
All times are local to Germany (CEST, UTC+02:00).
Filter Tracks
All tracks
Europa Saal
K 1
K 2
K 3
K 4/5
K 7/8/9
08:30 - 08:35
08:35 - 08:55
Virtual Product Development - Change in the Industry and expected Benefits
08:55 - 09:15
Virtual Product Development - Implementation
09:15 - 09:35
Connected Engineering Through Platform Simulation
09:35 - 09:55
How Modularisation and Systems Engineering link to Sustainability
09:55 - 10:10
10:10 - 10:30
Sustainability of wind energy
10:30 - 10:50
Project SteelBlade – Challenges and Potential of Alternative Steel Wind Turbine Blade Designs
10:50 - 11:10
Screening Process for PAEK Polymers in Wind Turbine Main Shaft Journal Bearings Material Challenges and Advantages
11:10 - 11:30
Overview of Integrating Steel Backed Polymer Hydrodynamic Bearings in Wind Turbine Main Bearings
11:30 - 11:45
Coffee break
11:45 - 12:10
Europa Saal
Next Generation Plain Bearing Technology for Wind Turbine Gearboxes
K 1
Probabilistic modelling of the tooth root strength of wind gears
K 2
Comparative, Experimental Analysis of Parasitic Currents in DFIG and SCIG based Wind Turbine Drives
K 3
Experimental Study of Roller Bearing Raceway Indentation on Bearing Life
K 4/5
Optimization of power-split hybrid drives and of their operating strategy using dynamic programming
K 7/8/9
Automated Generation of Drivetrain Components with Model-based Systems Engineering, Variant Modeling and FVA Workbench
12:10 - 12:35
Europa Saal
Simulation and application of hydrodynamic planet bearings for wind turbine gearboxes
K 1
Design of a TFF Critical Testing Gear Set under Reverse Bending
K 2
Evaluation of DC Wind Turbine Concepts for coupling Wind Energy with Electrolysis
K 3
Numerical simulation of ring creep on a wind turbine main shaft
K 4/5
Cost Reduction of Four-Point Bending Tests by using an innovative electrohydraulic Drive Concept
K 7/8/9
Enabling broader access to MBSE system models using collaborative engineering platforms and SysMLv2
12:35 - 13:00
Europa Saal
Analysing and Predicting the Behaviour of Journal Bearings on the Gearbox Operational Behaviour
K 1
Tooth Flank Fracture in a Wind Turbine Gearbox – A Failure Analysis
K 2
Experimental quantification of parasitic currents in the HSS bearings of a wind turbine gearbox
K 3
Fretting wear test of three-row roller bearings based on equivalent model
K 4/5
Design of profile corrections and tolerances in cylindrical gears for noise-sensitive applications in line with production efforts
K 7/8/9
ASPICE Compliant Model-based Systems Engineering with 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch break
14:00 - 14:25
Europa Saal
Measurement of operational characteristics inside a planetary plain bearing under wind turbine operating conditions
K 1
Elastic Interaction in Planetary Stages with Increased Torque Density
K 2
Wind Turbine Gearbox Digitalization Trends and Case Studies to Lower the Cost of Energy
K 3
Advancements in Powertrain Test Design and Implementation
K 4/5
An efficient simulation chain for predicting the vibro-acoustic behavior of industrial gear units.
K 7/8/9
Realizing Multidisciplinary Verification: Synchronizing System Architecture and Electrical Simulation Domains
14:25 - 14:50
Europa Saal
Failure mechanisms of bronze-based plain bearings implemented in gearbox under presence of foreign particles
K 1
Dynamic embedding process of friction enhancing hard particles in frictional connections
K 2
DIGIT-BENCH Digital Twin: Advancing the Large-Scale Testing Facilities for the Wind Industry
K 3
HyDrive: Continuously Variable Hydraulic Power-Split Drivetrain for Wind Turbines
K 4/5
Topology Optimization of Nonlinear Elastomer Engine Mounts Considering the Transfer Behavior
K 7/8/9
Lightweight User Interface for Model-Based Systems Engineering of Product Architecture
14:50 - 15:15
Europa Saal
Detection of particle contamination and lubrication outage in journal bearings in wind turbine gearboxes using surface acoustic wave measurements and machine learning
K 1
High Detail System Level CFD-Lubrication Analysis of Wind Turbine Gearboxes
K 2
New AI approaches enabling Advanced Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Gearboxes
K 3
Characterizing Wind Turbine Drivetrain Nonlinearities for Hybrid Nacelle Tests
K 4/5
Validation of Models for Calculating the NVH Behavior of Gearbox Systems in an Elastic Multibody Simulation
K 7/8/9
Demonstrator Model for an Entity-Based System Modeling Approach
15:15 - 15:40
Europa Saal
Effect of adding hard particles to welded sliding material in plain bearings for planetary gears
K 1
Multiobjective mechanical wind turbine gearbox design optimization to reduce component damage risk during grid faults
K 2
Framework for AI-Driven Image Analysis Systems for Gearbox endoscopy inspections
K 3
Quantification of the risk of smearing for tapered roller bearings in wind turbine gearboxes during grid faults
K 4/5
Efficient Simulation of Rotordynamics and Acoustics of an Electric Drive Train with Electromagnetic Coupling
K 7/8/9
Cube - A SaaS collaboration platform for the development of technical systems
15:40 - 16:10
Coffee break
16:10 - 16:35
Europa Saal
Miba’s Segmented Journal Bearing (SJB™) - an innovative solution for wind turbine main bearings
K 1
Synergies of Parametric Optimization and Topology Optimization for Tonality Free Wind Turbines
K 2
Main bearing response in a waked 15-MW floating wind turbine in below-rated conditions
K 3
Unique concept of a planetary plain bearing test bench
K 4/5
Influence of Lubricant Particle Contamination on Premature Failure of Electrical Loaded Radial Cylindrical Roller Bearings in Wind Turbines
K 7/8/9
Practical approach of system engineering to meet the challenges of agricultural machinery
16:35 - 17:00
Europa Saal
Fluid-Film-Main-Bearings: An Alternative to Roller Bearings
K 1
Deep learning approach to efficiently solve wind turbine acoustic tonalities
K 2
A Comparative Fully-Coupled Analysis of Dynamic Behaviours for a 15-MW Wind Turbine on a Bottom-Fixed Monopile and a Semi-Submersible Floating Foundation
K 3
Efficient dynamic simulations of planetary journal bearings in wind turbine gearboxes
K 4/5
Machine learning-based prediction of friction losses in textured journal bearings
K 7/8/9
Seamless Model-Based Concept Exploration, Simulation, Design Optimization and Evaluation of Hydrogen-Electric Drivetrains using a Model Library
17:00 - 17:25
Europa Saal
Investigation into the design of a novel conical plain bearing concept with enhanced serviceability
K 1
Machine Learning methods for the design of excitation-optimized gears in Wind-Energy gearboxes
K 3
Optimisation and validation of pin profiling for sliding planet gear bearings
K 4/5
Geometric Design of Axial Piston Machine Slipper-Bearings made of High-Performance Plastics
K 7/8/9
Reusable Solution Element Libraries for Accelerated Application of MBSE in Mechanical Product Development
17:25 - 17:30
End of conference day 1
17:30 - 18:00
18:00 - 18:30
Shuttle Transfer to Conference Dinner
18:30 - 23:30
Evening event
Co-Host Sponsor:
Dassault Systemes
Gold Sponsor:
waukesha bearings
Bronze Sponsor:
11-12 March, 2025 | Aachen
Board CWD
History CWD
Board DSEC
History DSEC
Exhibition & Sponsoring